
开启 Metrics 指标埋点


Dubbo Metrics 的总体设计请参考 可观测性 Metrics Proposal

以下是 Dubbo Java 相关的具体实现与使用方式讲解。


要为 Dubbo 进程开启指标采集,需要在项目中引入相关依赖并增加配置。以 Spring Boot 项目为例,增加以下 spring-boot-starter 依赖到项目中,即会自动开启指标采集。

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  • 移除原来与 Metrics 相关的类
  • 创建新模块 dubbo-metrics/dubbo-metrics-api、dubbo-metrics/dubbo-metrics-prometheus,MetricsConfig 作为该模块的配置类
  • 使用micrometer,在Collector中使用基本类型代表指标,如Long、Double等,并在dubbo-metrics-api中引入micrometer,由micrometer对内部指标进行转换

以下是 Dubbo 实现中的关键组件及数据流转过程



根据上图架构,指标接口是 Dubbo 对外暴露指标数据的出口,以下是指标接口的具体定义:

另外,该 Service 还作为一些 智能自适应流量调度算法 的数据来源

public interface MetricsService {

     * Default {@link MetricsService} extension name.
    String DEFAULT_EXTENSION_NAME = "default";

     * The contract version of {@link MetricsService}, the future update must make sure compatible.
    String VERSION = "1.0.0";

     * Get metrics by prefixes
     * @param categories categories
     * @return metrics - key=MetricCategory value=MetricsEntityList
    Map<MetricsCategory, List<MetricsEntity>> getMetricsByCategories(List<MetricsCategory> categories);

     * Get metrics by interface and prefixes
     * @param serviceUniqueName serviceUniqueName (
     * @param categories categories
     * @return metrics - key=MetricCategory value=MetricsEntityList
    Map<MetricsCategory, List<MetricsEntity>> getMetricsByCategories(String serviceUniqueName, List<MetricsCategory> categories);

     * Get metrics by interface、method and prefixes
     * @param serviceUniqueName serviceUniqueName (
     * @param methodName methodName
     * @param parameterTypes method parameter types
     * @param categories categories
     * @return metrics - key=MetricCategory value=MetricsEntityList
    Map<MetricsCategory, List<MetricsEntity>> getMetricsByCategories(String serviceUniqueName, String methodName, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, List<MetricsCategory> categories);

其中 MetricsCategory 设计如下:

public enum MetricsCategory {

MetricsEntity 设计如下

public class MetricsEntity {
    private String name;
    private Map<String, String> tags;
    private MetricsCategory category;
    private Object value;


Dubbo 是通过扩展 Filter SPI 扩展点实现对请求调用指标进行拦截的,目前在消费端和提供端分别增加了 Filter 扩展实现

  • MetricsFilter 提供端请求指标埋点
  • MetricsClusterFilter 消费端请求指标埋点

以下是 MetricsFilter 的实现源码,注意 try-catch-finally 处理。

@Activate(group = PROVIDER, order = -1)
public class MetricsFilter implements Filter, ScopeModelAware {
    public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
        collector.increaseTotalRequests(interfaceName, methodName, group, version);
        collector.increaseProcessingRequests(interfaceName, methodName, group, version);
        Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            Result invoke = invoker.invoke(invocation);
            collector.increaseSucceedRequests(interfaceName, methodName, group, version);
            return invoke;
        } catch (RpcException e) {
            collector.increaseFailedRequests(interfaceName, methodName, group, version);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Long rt = endTime - startTime;
            collector.addRT(interfaceName, methodName, group, version, rt);
            collector.decreaseProcessingRequests(interfaceName, methodName, group, version);


以下五个属性是指标统计的基本单位(应用、服务、方法的组合),也是源代码 MetricsCollector 中 Map 数据结构的 key

public class MethodMetric {
    private String applicationName;
    private String interfaceName;
    private String methodName;
    private String group;
    private String version;


dubbo-common 模块下的 MetricsCollector 负责存储所有指标数据

public class DefaultMetricsCollector implements MetricsCollector {
    private Boolean collectEnabled = false;
    private final List<MetricsListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
    private final ApplicationModel applicationModel;
    private final String applicationName;

    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> totalRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> succeedRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> failedRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> processingRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> lastRT = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, LongAccumulator> minRT = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, LongAccumulator> maxRT = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> avgRT = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> totalRT = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, AtomicLong> rtCount = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();









具体指标 请参考 Dubbo Metrics 总体设计文档。


public class AggregateMetricsCollector implements MetricsCollector, MetricsListener {
    private int bucketNum;
    private int timeWindowSeconds;

    private final Map<MethodMetric, TimeWindowCounter> totalRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, TimeWindowCounter> succeedRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, TimeWindowCounter> failedRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, TimeWindowCounter> qps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Map<MethodMetric, TimeWindowQuantile> rt = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final ApplicationModel applicationModel;

    private static final Integer DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = 100;
    private static final Integer DEFAULT_BUCKET_NUM = 10;
    private static final Integer DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW_SECONDS = 120;


    public AggregateMetricsCollector(ApplicationModel applicationModel) {
        this.applicationModel = applicationModel;
        ConfigManager configManager = applicationModel.getApplicationConfigManager();
        MetricsConfig config = configManager.getMetrics().orElse(null);
        if (config != null && config.getAggregation() != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(config.getAggregation().getEnabled())) {
            // only registered when aggregation is enabled.

            AggregationConfig aggregation = config.getAggregation();
            this.bucketNum = aggregation.getBucketNum() == null ? DEFAULT_BUCKET_NUM : aggregation.getBucketNum();
            this.timeWindowSeconds = aggregation.getTimeWindowSeconds() == null ? DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW_SECONDS : aggregation.getTimeWindowSeconds();

如果开启了本地聚合,则通过 spring 的 BeanFactory 添加监听,将 AggregateMetricsCollector 与 DefaultMetricsCollector 绑定,实现一种生存者消费者的模式,DefaultMetricsCollector 中使用监听器列表,方便扩展

private void registerListener() {


滑动窗口 假设我们初始有6个bucket,每个窗口时间设置为2分钟 每次写入指标数据时,会将数据分别写入6个bucket内,每隔两分钟移动一个bucket并且清除原来bucket内的数据 读取指标时,读取当前current指向的bucket,以达到滑动窗口的效果 具体如下图所示,实现了当前 bucket 内存储了配置中设置的 bucket 生命周期内的数据,即近期数据 img_1.png

在每个bucket内,使用TDigest 算法计算分位数指标

TDigest 算法(极端分位精确度高,如p1 p99,中间分位精确度低,如p50),相关资料如下

代码实现如下,除了 TimeWindowQuantile 用来计算分位数指标外,另外提供了 TimeWindowCounter 来收集时间区间内的指标数量

public class TimeWindowQuantile {
    private final double compression;
    private final TDigest[] ringBuffer;
    private int currentBucket;
    private long lastRotateTimestampMillis;
    private final long durationBetweenRotatesMillis;

    public TimeWindowQuantile(double compression, int bucketNum, int timeWindowSeconds) {
        this.compression = compression;
        this.ringBuffer = new TDigest[bucketNum];
        for (int i = 0; i < bucketNum; i++) {
            this.ringBuffer[i] = TDigest.createDigest(compression);

        this.currentBucket = 0;
        this.lastRotateTimestampMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.durationBetweenRotatesMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeWindowSeconds) / bucketNum;

    public synchronized double quantile(double q) {
        TDigest currentBucket = rotate();
        return currentBucket.quantile(q);

    public synchronized void add(double value) {
        for (TDigest bucket : ringBuffer) {

    private TDigest rotate() {
        long timeSinceLastRotateMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRotateTimestampMillis;
        while (timeSinceLastRotateMillis > durationBetweenRotatesMillis) {
            ringBuffer[currentBucket] = TDigest.createDigest(compression);
            if (++currentBucket >= ringBuffer.length) {
                currentBucket = 0;
            timeSinceLastRotateMillis -= durationBetweenRotatesMillis;
            lastRotateTimestampMillis += durationBetweenRotatesMillis;
        return ringBuffer[currentBucket];


指标推送只有用户在设置了 dubbo.metrics.protocol=prometheus 参数后才开启,若只开启指标聚合,则默认不推送指标。

Prometheus Pull Service Discovery

目前 Dubbo Admin 内置了 prometheus http_sd service discovery 实例地址发现机制,Admin 默认会使用 qos 端口/metrics 作为这样 Admin 就能够将所有示例地址汇聚后以标准 http_sd 的方式同步给 Prometheus Server。


其中,address、port、url 均是可选项,如不配置则 Admin 使用默认约定值。

用户直接在Dubbo配置文件中配置Prometheus Pushgateway的地址即可,如<dubbo:metrics protocol=“prometheus” mode=“push” address="${prometheus.pushgateway-url}" interval=“5” />,其中interval代表推送间隔

最后修改 January 8, 2024: Update java sdk doc (#2895) (e3d2c12de7)