
The basic usage and working principle of the Nacos registry.

1 precondition

When Dubbo uses 3.0.0 and above, it needs to use Nacos 2.0.0 and above.

2 Instructions for use

Check here full sample code

2.1 Add dependencies

     <!-- Introduce Dubbo Nacos extension, or you can add Nacos dependency directly as shown above-->

Add Dubbo and Nacos dependencies

Dubbo 3.0.0 and above require nacos-client 2.0.0 and above

2.2 Configure and enable Nacos

# application.yml (Spring Boot)
   address: nacos://localhost:8848




<dubbo:registry address="nacos://localhost:8848" />

To enable the app, see what it looks like after registration or how it works, see [How it works](#4-How it works).

3 Advanced configuration

3.1 Authentication

# application.yml (Spring Boot)
   address: nacos://localhost:8848?username=nacos&password=nacos


dubbo.registry.address: nacos://nacos:nacos@localhost:8848

3.2 Custom namespace

# application.yml (Spring Boot)
   address: nacos://localhost:8848?namespace=5cbb70a5-xxx-xxx-xxx-d43479ae0932


# application.yml (Spring Boot)
   address: nacos://localhost:8848
   parameters.namespace: 5cbb70a5-xxx-xxx-xxx-d43479ae0932

3.3 Custom grouping

# application.yml
   address: nacos://localhost:8848
   group: dubbo

If not configured, the group is specified by Nacos by default. Group and namespace represent different isolation levels in Nacos. Generally speaking, namespace is used to isolate different users or environments, and group is used to further group data in the same environment.

3.4 Register interface-level consumers

After Dubbo3.0.0, the parameter of whether to register consumers is added. If you need to register consumers to the nacos registration center, you need to set the parameter (register-consumer-url) to true, and the default is false.

# application.yml
    address: nacos://localhost:8848?register-consumer-url=true


# application.yml
    address: nacos://localhost:8848
    parameters.register-consumer-url: true

3.5 More configurations

Parameter nameChinese descriptionDefault value
usernameusername to connect to Nacos Servernacos
paaswordpassword to connect to Nacos Servernacos
backupbackup addressnull
namespaceNamespace IDpublic
groupgroup nameDEFAULT_GROUP
register-consumer-urlWhether to register the consumer sidefalse log file namenaming.log
endpointConnect to the connection point specified by Nacos Server, please refer to documentationempty
endpointPortConnect to the connection point port specified by Nacos Server, you can refer to documentationempty
endpointQueryParamsendpoint query parameter querynull
isUseCloudNamespaceParsingwhether to parse namespace parameters in the cloud environmenttrue
isUseEndpointParsingRulewhether to enable endpoint parameter rule parsingtrue
namingLoadCacheAtStartwhether to read the local cache first at startuptrue
namingCacheRegistryDirSpecify the cache subdirectory, the location is …/nacos/{SUB_DIR}/namingempty
namingClientBeatThreadCountclient heartbeat thread pool sizehalf of the number of CPUs of the machine
namingPollingThreadCountClient timing polling thread pool size for data updatehalf of the CPU number of the machine
namingRequestDomainMaxRetryCountNumber of retries requested by client to Nacos Server via HTTP3
namingPushEmptyProtectionWhen the service does not have a valid (healthy) instance, whether to enable the protection, after enabling it, the old service instance will be usedfalse
push.receiver.udp.portport of client UDPnull

After the nacos-server@1.0.0 version, the client is supported to control some behaviors of the instance by reporting some instances containing specific metadata to the server.

Parameter nameChinese descriptionDefault value
preserved.heart.beat.timeoutThe time (in milliseconds) from healthy to unhealthy after the instance does not send a heartbeat15000
preserved.ip.delete.timeoutThe instance is deleted by the server after the instance does not send a heartbeat (milliseconds)30000
preserved.heart.beat.intervalInterval time for the instance to report the heartbeat on the client (milliseconds)5000 id generation strategy of this instance, when the value is snowflake, it will increase from 0simple
preserved.register.sourceRegistration instance registration service framework type (such as Dubbo, Spring Cloud, etc.)empty

These parameters can be configured to Nacos through parameter expansion in a manner similar to namespace, such as


4 How it works

The following is just to show the working principle of Nacos as the Dubbo registration center. It is recommended to use Dubbo Admin for Dubbo service operation and maintenance

4.1 Dubbo2 registration data

Then, restart your Dubbo application, and Dubbo’s service provision and consumption information can be displayed in the Nacos console:


As shown in the figure, the service name prefixed with providers: is the meta information of the service provider, and consumers: represents the meta information of the service consumer. Click “Details” to view the service status details:


4.2 Dubbo3 registration data

The “service name” for application-level service discovery is the application name

Dubbo3 adopts the dual registration mode of “application-level service discovery + interface-level service discovery” by default, so you will find that application-level services (application names) and interface-level services (interface names) appear in the Nacos console at the same time, you can configure dubbo .registry.register-mode=instance/interface/all to change the registration behavior.

Last modified January 2, 2023: Enhance en docs (#1798) (95a9f4f6c1c)