
dubbo:argument element

Method argument configuration. The corresponding class:org.apache.dubbo.config.ArgumentConfig. This tag is child of <dubbo:method>, which is for feature description of method argument, such as:

<dubbo:method name="findXxx" timeout="3000" retries="2">
    <dubbo:argument index="0" callback="true" />
PropertyCorresponding URL parameterTypeRequisiteDefaultEffectDescriptionCompatibility
indexintYidentificationmethod nameabove 2.0.6
typeStringIndex and type choose oneidentificationFind index of argument by itabove 2.0.6
callback<metodName><index>.retriesbooleanNservice governanceMark whether this argument is a callback service. If true, provider will generate reverse proxy,which can invoke consumer in turn. Generally for event pushingabove 2.0.6
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)