Implicit parameters

Pass implicit parameters between consumer and provider

You can implicitly pass parameters between service consumers and providers via setAttachment and getAttachment on RpcContext. /user-guide/images/context.png

Set the implicit parameters at service consumer side

Via setAttachment on RpcContext set key/value pair for implicitly pass parameters.When finished once remote invoke,will be clear,so multi-invoke must set multi-times.

RpcContext.getContext().setAttachment("index", "1"); // implicitly pass parameters,behind the remote call will implicitly send these parameters to the server side, similar to the cookie, for the framework of integration, not recommended for regular business use; // remote call
// ...

Fetch the implicit parameters at service provider side

public class XxxServiceImpl implements XxxService {

    public void xxx() {
        // get parameters which passed by the consumer side,for the framework of integration, not recommended for regular business use
        String index = RpcContext.getContext().getAttachment("index");
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)